MarieJ β€” Waltz in F minor – Your artwork and music videos are a feast for the mind and soul – thank you for sharing them with us, and I mean it! You play beautifully, and your choices are always tasteful and inspiring. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Tim Neumark but now I want to delve into his music.

Player1 β€” Ashokan Farewell – Player1, I want to talk to you seriously. Your choice of the piece – so wistful and sad, and with that title – is it to say something? After reading your recent posts I started wondering whether you wanted to say goodbye to the piano? Please, don’t! Please keep playing, find a piece of music that really speaks to you and is relatively easy to learn, or else, find an easy piece that is just nice and will give you instant gratification and a sense of accomplishment – it’s not difficult, the internet is full of all kinds of scores. It is a trick that at least has always worked for me in moments of dejection. Your very personal and emotional relationship with the music is worth preserving and honing, and I’m sure it’s also worth sharing with others. I for one would love to hear you play again!

    Rubens β€” Sonata no.2, Op.36 (1913), 2nd movement – I’m lost for words. Because, really, all words fall flat after listening to your impressive performance. So I went and listened to you play the 3rd movement πŸ™‚

    I once told you that I wanted to play like you when I grow up. I will not retract that confession now, but I want to make a caveat:
    I now know that I will never play like you, but you will always inspire me to grow πŸ˜‡

    TC3 I appreciate my kind words, but I think I have more work to do, especially on my singing. There are still some phrases that come out a little pitchy or strained.

    I think only a few phrases of your singing come across as awkward. The majority of them sound good, which is a sign that you could get it all in shape with a little more practice. It's sounding better and better!

    • TC3 replied to this.
    • TC3 likes this.

      rsl12 Thanks! Yes, it starts a bit weaker, gets better as I go along. It's a breathing thing (as I'm sure you know from your own training) as much as it's a pitch thing. I need to prioritize my singing practice a bit more, it has a tendency to fall by the wayside when I get busy ..

      Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.


      Thank you. My current plan is to keep playing as long as I can. I'm a couple of years away from full retirement and when I finally do retire, the plan is to have a baby grand in the living room.

      So, no fears of my walking away. There is always music in my life, even if the only one who can hear it, is me.

        Nightowl Sgisela β€” Do Tebe (to you)
        Wow, that's a beautiful piece and you played it effortlessly - you are clearly a natural! How long have you been playing piano? Also, I also loved the way you started and ended the piece with a close up of sunflowers - very nice

        Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed the piece. I took lessons through high school and then life + lack of an instrument got in the way, and I stopped playing for more than 15 years. I started again in late 2020.

        Rubens Sgisela
        There is a nocturnal lyricism in your playing that tugs at the listener's heartstrings and pull them into the depths of a soul-stirring journey. The part at 2:58 is achingly beautiful. The typical "wet" sound of the Estonia fits this music perfectly. After finishing listening to this I restarted immediately.

        Thanks so much for the very kind words. When I first heard the piece, I found it very emotionally compelling and I’m glad I’ve been able to convey some of that. I do agree that it has a β€˜nocturnal’ quality β€” one of the reasons I recorded it at night and with somewhat reduced lighting.

        That was a really lovely and confident performance. You are quite a natural at this and have a good sense of how to present the material and make it fun for the listener. I was smiling and bobbing my head while you were playing. I especially like the way you "punch" those chords.

        Player1 That sounds like a great plan, to buy a baby grand when you retire! 😁 I love baby grands - all the allure and curves of their larger relatives, but a modest enough size for many homes to accommodate. Please remember to post a photo when the time comes.

        "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

          Thank you sooo much everybody who provided such lovely comments. Such an incentive to keep going! Being entertaining is my dearest wish and it’s so very pleasing if I’m able do so in my own small way 😁

          I’m still listening to the recitals and enjoying every single one… more comments will follow later 😊


          It'll be a couple of years at least. Of course I have to build the house first. Then buy the piano.

          lilypad β€” God Bless the Child

          That was beautiful Lilypad - to match your lovely name πŸ™‚ I absolutely love Billie Holiday (how could I not, after all she is the Lady of the Blues!), but I wasn't familiar with this song of hers. So of course I had to look up her version too. You absolutely captured the spirit of her great performance. Thank you for giving me a new memory on someone I greatly admire (apart from you now too, lol) πŸ™‚

          BicBic β€” Prelude no.4 in E minor from Op 11

          That's fantastic for one year, comeback or not! Congratulations on renewing your piano vows... I'm very glad I did the same. Though I'm nowhere near your level yet, of course. You have a very delicate touch, and played with very good dynamics. Very nice!

          javiercorre β€” Sonatas K. 208 and K. 380

          Beautiful! Delicately played and such an endearing piece. Fantastic dynamics and very skillful playing. Almost flawlessly and from memory, in a single take!!! And you have only five years of practice?! I'm very impressed! I'm sure you will do great on your exam!

          SalmonJack β€” Bliss Ten

          This forum is so talented... pianists, composers, sailors, movie makers, and from the looks of it you're all rolled in one πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing your creation and lovely imagery to go with it. It felt like a mini cruise with an on board pianist - thank you for taking us on this virtual trip!

          Rob β€” Lost
          A wonderful melody for rainy day. You composed a really somber tune, that creates a very strong mood of sadness or pensiveness. Wonderful played, and with your video it just perfect.

          • Rob likes this.

          @Nightowl - What a Wonderful World. Boy, y’all are contributing a bunch of lovely classics. Nicely done, and I’m particularly impressed that you’re playing like this after only a year, self-teaching no less. Keep it up!
          @Sophia - A Classy Rag. Excellent! You have a really nice, smooth, even touch. I’d seriously have guessed that you started playing much longer ago. That’s a really fun tune, and you nailed it!
          @Player1 - Ashokan Farewell. A very pretty piece. Well done, thanks for sharing!

          Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

          @iternabe I am pleased you took liberties with your arrangement. It flowed well, and was delicately played.

          @keff A captivating arrangement, played well. What more can I say? Bravo!

            @plop_symphony I had not heard that piece before, but it was such fun to listen to, and you played it so well!