Sam We shouldn't think "only 26 performers", but "wow, we had 26 performers!".
Stats for the November rectial (both forums):
26 PianoWorld total submissions
27 Piano|Tell total submissions
4 equal submissions in both forums
5 performers submitted different pieces in both forums
(49 different submissions in both forums)
I think the right answer, Wow, we have 49 submissions together.
Ok, only 44, if it would be one forum and duplicates were not allowed.
@navindra I've read some (very few) people here wanted to have a holiday rectial. If you are really willing to do so, time is running and 1st December is very close. Already too close for my liking, so I suggest not to do so.
But can you start as admin a poll or an official looking thread about how we want to proceed next year. You know the Mar-Jun-Sep-Dec schedule is still an open proposal, but nothing decided so far. Because if we switch to that one, we have a holiday rectial.
Btw, these were the stats of last August rectial:
28 PianoWorld total submissions
29 Piano|Tell total submissions
11 equal submissions in both forums
3 performers submitted different pieces in both forums
(46 different submissions in both forums)
There is a big decline of the people, who submitted the equal pieces in both forums and if this trend continues, this number goes close to zero. IMO, no need to keep the schedule in sync with PianoWorld.