thepianoplayer416 In the past people assumed the ideal age for starting piano is before 10.
Yeah, when I first started piano (around age 29), I was talking about it at work and someone basically said “what’s the point, it’s too late now and you’ll never be able to play.” Thank goodness I didn’t listen to him! I wish he could see me now, 25 years later.
It’s the same in foreign language/second language learning, people assume (or more like, believe with all their might) that it’s always better to start early, and that earlier is better. But there’s more and more research that shows that this isn’t the case, and that older learners (even up to adults) have learning advantages that younger children don’t have.
I sure it’s the same with piano, I just don’t know about the research myself. But I have no doubt that there are things that younger children might have an easier time with, but adult piano learners have a lot of strengths.