I listened to the piece several times (like around 20-25 times in a row) with my metronome going in the background.
I do not believe that it's a tempo or timing issue. Overall the timing and the tempo do vary, if all you do is count mechanically like a clock (tick, tock, tick, tock forever without change). I'm a bit slower overall than 4/4, but I don't believe there's a time signature for the piece. All I can remember off the top of my head is just the notation of "flowing."
I really do believe that what causes the timing variance is the flow issue I'm having. I linger too long on certain notes/passages/measures and don't rest long enough/hold half notes long enough, when I should. This makes it appear that I'm "slowing" when I'm not. Or "rushing" when I'm not. It makes it seem like I can't keep a steady beat, but the beat is, for the most part, fairly steady if you ignore the "lingering too long on some notes/not resting long enough" problem. This is the "spaces between notes" problem that I've been talking about.
I'm not saying that I'm perfect, because I'm not. I do wander in the timing somewhat. However, the issue isn't timing or tempo, it's flow. Where I slow down to "linger" is my head trying to create more drama so I can live longer "in the moment." Afterward, when I return to tempo/time, it sounds like I'm rushing, and I do a bit, but it's not as awful as it appears to be. I go from maybe something like the 7/8 that I'm playing at, to 4/4 at that point before returning to somewhere around 7/8. It's not perfectly steady, but I'm not a clock. Nor do I wish to be.
At least that's what I think it happening based on my metronome and a lot of reviewing and breaking the piece down into bits. I could be wrong, and many will say that I'm trying to either avoid the real issue or denying that I have a problem, but I still believe that it's a flow problem.
What I plan on doing is playing the piece some more with the metronome running (ick!) and work on beginning each measure on the upbeat. I'm hoping that this will improve my flow without resulting in a mechanical sounding piece with no personality.
Unfortunately that means that my lessons will be on hold (yay!) and my long term project (Always on my mind) will be delayed (Boo!) while I sort myself out.