Thanks for all the helpful comments and suggestions!
Ithaca I'd suggest covering your piano whenever you're cooking + running a PM2.5 meter so you know when the air is clear enough
I definitely plan on keeping the lid closed and cover on whenever cooking. Re: PM2.5 meter, I do have a cheap combo air quality meter (Temp/Humidity/CO2/PM2.5) in my bedroom, your suggestion prompted me to move it over to my N2 just now to collect data on how cooking affects that area before I make a decision. Great idea!
ShiroKuro and you don’t want to consider an upright? I only mention it because it would be easier to cover/keep covered when not in use .... I hate to say this, but would you/could you considering moving?
Haha yeah I'd like a grand piano action. I do plan on keeping the lid closed and covered when not in use. Moving is such a PITA that I probably won't do it until I can afford a townhouse/SFH (which, at early stage startup salary levels, might be never 😅)
Seeker It is VERY DIFFICULT to isolate the sound of a piano from your neighbors.
Yeah definitely, I'm under no delusion that I'll be able to achieve full acoustic isolation. FWIW I have pretty decent separation from neighbors for an apartment (pretty much only my bedroom shares a wall) so reducing vibrations to the floor below is my main concern (since I can hear when the people above me wear hard-soled shoes). I haven't gotten any noise complaints yet (knock on wood) about playing the N2 without headphones on a bare floor so I may just have exceptionally tolerant neighbors. I'd definitely make the rounds to set expectations and align on norms though.
Ithaca Re: sun exposure. Are your windows floor-to-ceiling, or partial-height? .... If I had your set-up, I'd be tempted to run the bass side along the windows (with blinds and solar screens)
They start about 19" off the ground but honestly the bottom section of the windows feel wasted so I could just block them off. I've heard similar from my dealer about it being a reasonable compromise for the lid to block the sun as long as the body isn't getting direct sunlight.
Pallas My first instinct when I saw the OP floorplan was to move sleeping arrangements into the kitchen-side of the apartment and turn the bedroom side into the music room/living room.
Haha I have considered this. I think this is possibly best for the piano, but less ideal for the human who also happens to share the apartment (more refrigerator/HVAC noises kitchen-side).
Going to remove my floor plans now for opsec purposes but thanks for all the suggestions/comments, I have a lot of thinking to do before I decide whether or not to go for it!