Dr. Gebrian has confirmed that we are on her calendar for September 20th, from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. She will give a brief introduction, and the Zoom session will be weighted heavily toward discussion, so if you haven't read the book or watched the videos, please ask questions here in the thread and hopefully your colleagues will chime in to help point you toward efficient resources to prepare for the session.
I'm going to wait until Wednesday to give everyone at PT a chance to sign up for either the live Zoom or the recording. On Wednesday at 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight, I will close the sign-up, calculate the per person fee, and open a private group discussion here on PT to coordinate the payment and the submission of advance questions. Thank you for participating!
Please keep an eye on the original post and make sure I have listed your name correctly, so no one gets left out of the private planning! Thanks!