You will be chosen if you are (1) age over 18 years, (2) an amateur pianist, and (3) have ever experienced pain that interfered with your ability to play the piano. You are excluded if you (1) have studied at a music conservatory or obtained a music degree or (2) have a chronic neurological or rheumatic condition that causes pain or underwent surgery in the last 12 months.
It's funny that I feel like I'm the intended audience for this study — I'm definitely over 18, an amateur pianist, and have experienced hand/wrist pain that caused me to adjust my playing and/or practice regimen — but I also meet both exclusion criteria (I started and quit a music degree many years ago, and I get cluster headaches, a neurological condition that causes intense pain, to put it mildly) so I guess I'm not eligible.
I actually do think practicing piano can be addictive to the point of detriment to other aspects of your life (work, postural effects, sedentary nature, RSI)... but I also think that if I'm addicted to practicing piano (which I don't think I am at my current level of practice) it would probably be among my healthier addictions heh.