Bellyman In the case of sitting in the living room, the cabinet might be important.
That was a big factor for me, when choosing my DP. In the end I chose a Donner, as it is one of the few brands which offer a nice cherry "wood" case (actually it's just MDF with a veneer, but it looks quite realistic). We have some light oak furniture and a door with cherry wood coloured varnish, so I wanted the case to work well with our decor and look like a nice cabinet, rather than a black box.
It's not a luxury DP but it sounds good and I guess that the components of DPs are all pretty similar, whether they are high end or budget priced. I was tempted to get a Clavinova, because I love the sliding retractable key lid, but that would have cost about 5 times the price and I didn't want to spend that much, in case I don't stick with this demanding hobby.
If we lived in a massive house and I had a room that could be a dedicated piano room I would love a grand piano because I love the glamorous curves, but in our modest home I needed something more compact. I'm very happy with my choice though, and love the fact it will never need tuning.