As far as I know, these are both respectable brands, but I feel like I don't hear much about their DPs. Anyone here have an experience with either of them to share?
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
As far as I know, these are both respectable brands, but I feel like I don't hear much about their DPs. Anyone here have an experience with either of them to share?
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
I guess not! I wonder if they have more of a following among the non-classical crowd. I've seen Mickey Finn play with Samantha Fish a couple of times in the last year or so and he had (among other things) a Korg (the SP-280, I think).
I'd be curious to try either of these brands but I've never seen on in a store anywhere near me. Maybe next time I get to "the big city" ...
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
Hi TC3
I use a Korg SV2S (73) for all my non-home based playing.
It produces a lot of great Piano and Electric Piano sounds, and it looks very cool.
Negatives - well I now wish I'd just bought the SV2 as with the built in speakers the SV2S is quite heavy.
But overall I think it's a great Piano.
All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
Wow, awesome! Congratulations TC! It looks stunning and matches your beautiful white minigrand so gorgeously. We need pictures of your music room with the two showcased side by side Do they get along? Do they talk to each other in soft tone and gentle voices after dark? I often wonder about my three babies (Clavinova, E373 and kitty piano)...
WieWaldi Ha, yes: SimonB is to blame for this!
Sophia Well, my various pianos / keyboards have their own rooms, so they don't have to compete with each other ...
In all seriousness, I'm hoping at some point to start playing out a bit, maybe at coffee houses and bookstores, very low volume gigs, where hopefully no one pays close attention to me ... This is going to be perfect for that.
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
That's awesome Our neighbour (a lifetime ago, in another country), became quite the local celebrity doing exactly that, just him, his keyboard and a lot of places to be active in. Should I ask for your autograph now, before you are rich and famous?
I'm only joking too of course, honestly that should be a lot of fun and quite the learning experience! I'm quite jealous of your setup!
What have I done!
Seriously, it's a terrific instrument. The variations in sound you can get are virtually without limit.
Mine will be used at a rehearsal and gigged twice later this week.
All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.