This thread stirred my curiosity, so I began to look into it. I thought that a good starting point might be to find out how many conservatories/conservatoires there are around the world and a quick google revealed this web site:
The site shows a total of 869 conservatoires, and the USA has the largest number by far - 229.
It should be possible to delve into the stats for each conservatoire and see how many piano students they admit each year, or maybe more relevant to this question - how many students complete courses and/or attain qualifications each year. That way you would know how many people "qualify" (if that's the right word) as concert pianists each year. It might even be possible to go back through historical records to uncover yearly totals going back to the start, for each conservatoire, but that would may include people that have been dead for decades (even centuries, in some cases). So, lots of work there to reach the total of concert pianists currently alive around the world, and it may not produce an accurate result.
Or maybe there's a short cut - a sort of international register of concert pianists? Someone involved in the profession might be able to tell us more.