Animisha But in pieces that I call polyphonic, in which both the right hand and the left hand have a melody, after a while I need to relearn them as if I never learned them before.
Kaydia Do you at least find those pieces easier, quicker to relearn? I went back and relearned Jingle Bells, which I really struggled with to get HT and no hesitations. It was definitely easier and quicker to relearn. But that's a simple piece so perhaps not a good example. Maybe it doesn't work the same for more complex pieces.
Actually, half a year later I find that I have completely forgotten those pieces, and it will take a lot of time to learn them again. The only way in which they are quicker to learn is that compared to years ago, I have become just a bit better in learning polyphonic pieces.
Jingle bells is a good example because it uses intervals that by now are so, so familiar to me that I hardly need to spend any effort reading and playing them.
Here is an example of an easier polyphonic piece - I find polyphonic pieces never easy, but easier. I learned it five years ago, and I would need more effort in order to learn this again, compared to pieces with a melody-accompaniment pattern. For instance, Oh when the saints go marching in from Alfred's, I can play correctly immediately.