OMG!! That poor piano! Good call re the “glue” not being just from beverages… what an odd substance.
I don’t think I’ll be flying through O’Hare until March..l hope I can see it again, and hopefully it will still be ok!
One of my former piano tuners, the gentleman I worked with before moving here, was in charge of he prep when a “new” public piano was installed in the airport near where I used to live. That piano was not near any restaurants or bars. Hopefully it won’t take that same level of abuse!
Back to the O’Hare piano, I wonder if he got any special permission to work on it. A lot of times, keyboard covers have a lock, so at minimum, someone would have had to unlock it for him. But also, I wonder if you just started randomly tuning a public piano, if they would actually let you do that….
Anyway, thank you @Gombessa for posting this video!