@ShiroKuro I’m curious about your teacher’s comments on how to approach this piece.
Re: the LH single note, the one you have to play crossing RH – I found it strange and difficult at first, but after some time got used to it. You can move back a little your RH to give room to the LH, though tbh I don’t feel confident enough to do it, especially when I try to play at a faster tempo, and so I play these notes rather close to the fallboard… (btw, what's wrong about playing close to the fallboard, apart from that the resistance of the key is harder there?) What I did to practice these notes was to play LH separately several times, just to try and get a feeling for the place where the LH has to land.
What I find difficult is the dynamics within each phrase, when I’m supposed to play the LH bass octaves – piano, the RH broken chords – pianissimo, and the LH upper note – mezzo piano.
Another difficulty to me is to have enough control over my RH fingers so as to play with light, quick movements, and to make the notes sound even and soft, and to release tension in the non-playing fingers... I think that to play the RH trying to remember and apply all these thing is the most difficult part for me.