Hmm, not on Musicnotes. I’m sure I saw it there recently. Hmm I wonder if they took it down. Anyway, here’s where I bought it:
Anyway, Sept Song is, IMO much harder than the three you listed. And the sheet music isn’t transcribed well IMO, which makes it worse. For example, the same notes/passage that repeats is written in one spot in the bass clef and in another spot in the treble clef. That lack of consistency makes it hard to read and hard to sight read. Also, I think the way it’s written, it’s hard to see where the melody goes, if that makes sense.
I could be wrong, but I am certain that if Mr Ffrench was involved in writing out the score, it would be easier to play.
Neverthess I’m working on it, with this score. I actually played, and record it, back in 2021, but it was just a little too hard for me and I didn’t do a great job with it. And because I can’t sight read it, I’ve basically completely forgotten it and it feels like I’m learning it from scratch. I love it though, so I don’t mind! 🙂