Then maybe we could do it that way. Once a mod has reached out to two members for such an agreement, any breach of it would be grounds for a warning.
🎹 Piano | Tell — feature requests and suggestions
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It's also important to define what would constitute a breach of the mutual ignore agreement. From the top if my head I'm thinking:
- Any direct reply, of course
- Any mention of the other user
And here come the more controversial ones because I'm in controversy mode today: - Any participation in a thread started by the other user
- Any rebuttal of an idea/opinion expressed by the other user! Yes that's a big one! But think about it. You write a post stating something. The other user comes in a says that that statement is wrong or is a misconception, but without directly replying to you or mentioning you. Still counts, sorry. And yes, I understand that it could be frustrating, but it's a small sacrifice IMO.
I'd say it's worth trying a new system. And if it's really so unmanageable then we revert to the old system. The bar isn't very high to begin with.
Pallas My request for a block button is because it's the best way for me to reclaim my time.
Is the Ignore feature that Navindra already added sufficient? On mobile if I go to a user's profile and click on the top right, the Ignore option shows up.
Regarding all the stuff you said about yourself, I think it's admirable that you realize this and have strategies to avoid bringing out that side of you.
Pallas I would feel embarrassed for everyone to see my edit history
I'm also on another modern forum and there you get free edits for 5 minutes, and then after that the timestamp shows an orange "edited" that you can click on and then after a day or two it turns grey. And honestly people hardly notice it unless they're actively looking for something.
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Pallas I'm completely willing to go without a block button and just - I don't know - ask people for help or whatever "together" people do
Oh, that's a shame about the Ignore not working like a Block! But I have a feeling that people will look out for you here and try to protect this space from that kind of negative behavior
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David-G This exemplifies a basic design problem with Piano Tell (and with PianoClack). It is often hard to know which thread you are looking at. This never happened with PW, because every post there contains the thread title. Aside from Josephine's observation, I have noticed that not infrequently I find myself "lost" here, in the sense of not knowing what thread I am in.
So @Navindra if at all possible, you should do something about this. I don't mean put the title in every post - but there might be somewhere in a non-scrolling part of the page where you can put the title? Maybe at the top?
I mentioned somewhere else that PW's structure is actually excellent - the paging system. If they were to have an upgrade with the same structure, minus the intrusive ads etc, with proper direct file-uploading and handling features (eg. music and pics and web-linking like youtube linking), then that would be very formidable. It would take down flarum for sure, unless flarum has an option to have paging ... eg. page 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. And also incorporate the 'reply links' that allow users to jump to the source being replied to.
Ok I guess we could go with that "system" for now. I remember after that particular agreement was reached there were plenty of opportunities for me and the other user to attack each other's ideas but we didn't. So maybe we can expect people to cooperate with such agreements.
twocats I suggest removing the "replied" field
Hmm... I like that you can click "XYZ replied" and jump straight to their reply. Especially since it's not nested, I think it's important to quickly see replies to something without having to read everything. I can see replies to my own posts in notifications, but I can't see replies to others' posts without it.
jeremy Hmm... I like that you can click "XYZ replied" and jump straight to their reply. Especially since it's not nested, I think it's important to quickly see replies to something without having to read everything.
Totally valid argument! Maybe it could be compressed onto the same line or something like that.
Not relevant to the discussion so far but I want to say that I love the notifications here!! So much better than PW’s platform.
Ithaca Hehe, that's a very specific ask. I'll have to add that one to the back burner.
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
@ShiroKuro requests that on a post when you click the lower three dots, reorder so that Edit shows up first and not Flag.
I'm thinking the order should be Edit, Delete, Flag, if you agree!
I don't know if this would just end up being a section only for me, but I was wondering if there is a place for a "Piano technology" subforum. It kind of straddles "piano forum" and "tuners/tech forum" and undoubtedly part of digital, but I think there were certain subjects at PW that I struggled to categorize, such as discussions about:
- Player and silent systems
- Novel piano mechanisms like magnetic actions, celeste/sordino/mozart systems
- Video/mic/recording/post-processing setups
- Tablet sheet readers, sheet software, bluetooth page turners, etc.
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Edited: I actually agree with the others here, less sections is better. So... how about LESS sections rather than more?
- Piano Talk (analog, digital, tuning, recording equipment, etc)
- Learners Lounge
- Pianist Corner
- Member Recordings
- Teacher Talk (since that one is so unpopular, is it really needed? Maybe Share Stories instead?)
- Meta
Original reply still below:
How about this? Reasoning below
- Pianist Corner
- Learners Lounge
- Analog Pianos
- Digital Pianos
- Piano Stories
- Member Recordings
- Tuner Technicians
- Piano Technology
- Teachers Chat
- Meta
First, that makes it an even 10 forums. I like even numbers Also, I notice that there are a lot of people who like to share their personal piano journey, or share stories about they met their piano, etc. It might be nice to have a forum for that.
Second, I really think the order of the current forum isn't optimal (I know, I know... sorry.. dog... bone). But I really think changing the order would give a nice balanced feel... first two "play" sections, then two "equipment" sections, and then two "personal" sections, and two "technology" sections, and finally two "other" sections.
And third, right now there are two "TT" sections (Tuner Technicians and Teacher Talk). I notice a trend for people to abbreviate the forum sections, so I suggest to change Teacher Talk into Teacher Chat or Teachers Chat (or whatever better term).
Just a thought Honestly just because I'm pushy about something doesn't mean it has to happen. It just means I'm passionate