rsl12, it sounds like we're in kinda similar places in numerous ways.
I had thought about adding some vocals to what I do in the band. Our bass player does some vocals. But I got kind of a snide remark from the drummer one time when I was trying to hum out how a tune went one time, something about not being able to carry a tune. That kinda did it for me. Even though I wasn't really trying to do anything at the time, I have never even had a microphone on stage with me since. I have sung before, in performance settings. But that pushed my buttons to the point I won't get my voice out for this group. I have, however, considered getting it out for some solo work and working on it. Frank Sinatra I ain't but considering some of the "talent" I've seen around me, some of 'em set the bar pretty low.
Indeed, riffs fascinate me. And occasionally, I'll pick something up. Would like to have more of them in my general musical vocabulary. Blues, "scales" of sorts, two finger runs, so many goodies, so little time. LOL!
We've done several concerts for one of the more upscale nursing homes in the area. They actually pay pretty well. Had one old guy there that would play sax on occasion up until nearly the end. He just passed away, I think at 101. I'd not gotten to play with him but had been looking forward to it. With us playin' some of the "oldies", (swing, jazz, lots of stuff from the 20's, 30's, & 40's) they probably heard quite a lot of in their younger days, it's a good audience. And many really nice people, too.
Anyway, gettin' long-winded. Have a good day!