HeartKeys From an audiophile standpoint, subwoofer is actually the most difficult to be set up in a room. Because the wavelength of low frequency is so long, reflections off the wall can interfere with the sound wave directly out of the subwoofer. The interference will cause a pattern in the room (called room mode) where the low frequency will sound alternatively loud to quiet (and even none/zero) as you walk around.
You can play with the placement of the subwoofer and try to find the best location that result in peak feel at your chest.
For home theaters, where multiple listening locations all need to avoid the dip (cancellation or null point), it is often necessary to have 2 to 4 subwoofers strategically placed and calibrated. The acoustic piano, with long string and large soundboard, resembles the multi-subwoofer setup which explains why room mode is less of a problem.