I'm very glad for this conversation, that so many people want this forum to have an inclusive and supportive culture. That's incredible, actually very moving, and encouraging. I agree that we should do our best to say what we want the environment to be. Then, to most effectively make it what we want it to be, we ourselves might consider being here often, helping people, all of the people, by consistently modeling the behavior we most want to see, and gently and respectfully influencing that culture into being. It can be a difficult change when you're used to either protecting yourself with force, or avoiding conflict altogether, but once you get used to respectfully and politely asking for the specific behavior you want, it gets easier, and everyone's experience - even the experience of complicated characters - can get a lot better. I'm not asking everyone to do this, only people who want to. Personal choice is critically important to me. I have your back either way.
I've seen it happen again and again. Sometimes the respectfully confronted person will get mad and take a break, but the thing is, when you're being confronted honestly, fairly, without insult, and with recognition of your value, and asked for a small, reasonable, specific change, it's pretty hard to stay puffed up and mean, because there's no energy for it if no one is insulting you, and the other person is being relentlessly objective and fair.
Do please remember that all of this peace talk is coming from someone whose first gut instinct is a knife fight in a phone booth. And I also believe in a protective use of force from a moderator if a ban is ever needed. But I deeply believe peace is possible, even with hard characters, provided we keep in mind that if we want to be fair, we'll speak to everyone the same way, with respect and with the aim of helping everyone.
If anyone wants to be directed to tools for leading and influencing people, and keeping the peace in this way, let me know, and I'll start a new meta-topic. I care about this stuff a lot. I love piano people, and I want to see this new place be a real haven for us.
Thanks for reading.