After struggling through a very cold winter where my Venta 25 failed to keep the humidity at 30%, I had an idea that should have occurred to me earlier. Rather than try to sell it (at a loss, of course) and replace it with a new one at top $, why not find another one like it on the used market? Success within 2 days - snagged an older Venta 25 for $75 from Facebook MarketPlace, descaled the container with the same solution with Descalc (the same thing I run through my Espresso machine when it prompts me), thoroughly the rather grungy blades, filled it with RO filtered water and the Venta additive, and... it works. Humidity now nover lower than 37%, but can soar to nearly 50%.
So...I tested them, and if I cut/restore power, they come back on with whatever fan speed setting I have made.
That means I can use a humidistat, I would use the units until the heat is no longer needed, and it was strictly cooling that is being used.
I'm looking for recommendations on one where I could set the value. I'll need two, because the units are on opposite sides of the studio, I've got a tile floor with a rug over it, and I don't think it's safe to put the AC cord under the rug(?).
Any recommendations?
Thanks, and good day to all.