Danieru Can anybody recommend some women classical piano composers? I have seen some interesting collections books but the problem is that books are a mix of all the eras while I am mostly interested in 20th or 21th century first, then maybe some romantic but not all. I am very new to classical so I am not familiar with repertoire. I am not sure about my grade but it is probably somewhere in between 4 and 6 RCM. Thanks
Sam There are lots of women writing graded piano music - by that I mean pieces at different levels for students. Such as Martha Mier.
rsl12 Which 20-21 century male composers do you like? Your answer may help you get better recommendations. If we're limiting it to relatively modern composers, I really like Amy Beach. The little I've heard of Germaine Tailleferre makes me curious to hear more. Pathbreaker did one of her pieces for Recital#2.
Pathbreaker Cécile Chaminade ( Sidokar ) and Germaine Tailleferre ( rsl12 ) are great examples. Staying in France you could also add Nadia Boulanger. I found this great video today on Cécile Chaminade: For American composers you could check out Florence Price and Margaret Bonds.
plop_symphony The collection '22 Nocturnes for Chopin' by EVC Music consists entirely of nocturnes by 21st-century, living women composers. That would be a good stepping stone to explore more of each composer's work. https://www.evcmusic.com/product/22-nocturnes-for-chopin/
Gooseberry Apart from Martha Mier mentioned by @Sam, there is Pam Wedgwood, Melanie Spanswick or Barbara Arens. If you like film music, I would recommend Rachel Portman.
rsl12 Maybe you would like Grazyna Bacewicz. Like Bartok, her themes incorporate quite a bit of her national (Polish) folk music.
Danieru rsl12 Maybe you would like Grazyna Bacewicz I liked thanks. I have just listen her Suite for Children. It is still too advanced for me but I will try maybe next year
Animisha I don't know what you mean by classical, but some other women composers are Ailbhe McDonagh, Angeline Bell, Anne Crosby, Catherine Rollin, Chee-Hwa Tan, Eugénie Rocherolle, Linda Niamath, Melody Bober, Nancy Telfer, Susan Griesdale.
MRC Charlotte Sohy, Six petites pièces (1922) https://s9.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/b/bc/IMSLP211843-SIBLEY1802.20114.8858-39087012832186score.pdf Here are the first five:
Sidokar I can recommend Cécile Chaminade who wrote many pieces for piano. And if you like Bartok, then maybe Galina Ustvolskaya who was a student of Shostakovitch.
ranjit I liked some of Elena Kats-Chernin's stuff someone showed me a while back. Don't have any specific pieces, but I thought I might throw the name out there in case someone is interested.
AaronSF Here's a curated list of 20th-century women composers from the Internet. It might help. [https://www.musicbywomen.org/composers/20th-21st-century/](https://)
Vuong AaronSF Add to the list Giselle Galos, a relatively obscure French composer of the early 20th Century known for "Le Lac de Come", a beautiful piece for piano solo.
Greta99 Mel Bonis, Scènes enfantines, Op. 92. I only played no. 7, Bébé s'endort. It's RCM 5. Other pieces in the book seem to be of similar difficulty. You can find the score on imslp: https://imslp.org/wiki/Sc%C3%A8nes_enfantines,_Op.92(Bonis,Mel).