Big thanks to BartK for creating this splinter thread! ❤️
Let's continue.
For a 6+6 keyboard layout, the first decision to be done is, whether the famous C is a white key or the A as the first letter in the alphabet. I have no idea what is the better choice, but I went for the A on a white key:

Animisha It is a great idea, but I would prefer 6 white keys, one red key - two black keys - one green key - two black keys for an octave.
Honestly, the biggest problem about 6+6 keys was always, how to indicate the A or the C. Your approach with colors is very straight forward, unfortunately blind people wouldn't be that happy about it. Nevertheless, this is what it looks like: (and for my personal taste, there are too many colors)

My thought was more about to color only 1 black key, but in this case we would have 5 black keys consecutive, this would be too much. But we could color 2 keys to be red, just in a irregular pattern. Looks like this:

Still, I don't like the color approach at all, because of the blind people. Just think about it, Stevie wonder and Ray Charles would have maybe not decided to learn piano at all, just because of that reason. This would be a big loss in music history. So my idea was to have something tactile, maybe riffles on the red keys or longer black keys. Like this:

And right after drawing this picture, I figured out, why not having 3 long keys instead of 2. With the nice bonus of all black main-tones to be long (and the sharps/flats to be short):

This results in a nice beginner bonus to find the C-Major scale very easy:
Start with the left-most long black key and walk only on the long blacks keys to the right and then drop down to the whites until the next long black key appears. Still - this is more difficult than only playing the white keys for C-Major, but everything else is remarkably easier.
There is only 1 pattern for a black-key root note (3x black, 4x white, 1x black).
e.g. D-Major:

And only 1 pattern for a white-key root note (3x white, 4x black, 1x white) (inverse black and white^^):
e.g. F-Major: