I just wrote on the performance anxiety thread that playing without my hand towel on my lap should be one of my goals. I have hyperhidrosis which is a genetic condition which causes excessive sweat (for me it's specifically in my hands and feet, and they're strangely connected so that if one starts sweating, the others will too). If I make efforts for my hands not to sweat by washing them with hot water and soap and keeping my feet dry and cool, my hands are excessively dry (unless stress or effort turns on the tap) which is arguably worse. I'm not used to playing with dry hands and it's very slippery and then I make mistakes.
Anyway, long story short but I keep a cute kitchen towel on my lap and it's become somewhat of a security blanket. At any time my hands aren't on the keys I can squeeze them on the towel and wipe off the sweat. At performances I put it on the left side of the piano.
But... I don't want to play without my towel on my lap. It helps me both psychologically and physically. If I'm to perform for real more often (as a serious amateur) I thought it was inappropriate, but now I'm thinking who cares as long as I play well? This condition has caused me so much embarrassment in my early life and I still give disclaimers before shaking someone's hand. It's like having a minor disability when it comes to playing musical instruments and if having a hand towel on my lap gives me comfort and needed sweat absorption, then I shouldn't be embarrassed by it.
My aunt told me a long time ago that the sweat gets better with age (she had it, her aunt had it, and my niece has it) and thankfully my hands no longer drip and are just very moist.
Anyway, would welcome any thoughts. I will not be offended if you think it's completely unacceptable for me to perform with a towel on my lap, as long as you say it nicely π