Sophia ShiroKuro distinction between comment without playing feedback/suggestions, and comments with playing feedback/suggestions
I am actually getting a little puzzled about this too now. Could you mention an example (without getting too personal of course, lol) of why this distiction is so very important that it's the sole reason for implementing them as separate rules?
The distinction between comment without playing feedback/suggestions, and comments with playing feedback/suggestions might look something like this:
- Comment w/o feedback: "wow, I really enjoyed that, it's a beautiful piece and you played it really well"
- Comment w/ (supportive) feedback: "wow, I really enjoyed that, it's a beautiful piece and you played it really well. You might try bring out the dynamics more."
- Anything goes/critical comment: "This piece is supposed to be a march, so I recommend you practice with a metronome and make sure you bring the tempo up. Also, the second half is supposed to be forte, but it sounds like you're barely playing mezzopiano. So you really want to work on the dynamics as well"
Sophia "Overall very smoothly played, but you might want to bring out the phrases more", where would that fit? Or "You might want to play it a little faster, this is a marching tune." Or "It was a little uneven here and there, a metronome could be helpful". Or "Try to melody more by playing the RH a little louder while keeping the LH down."
I would call these mostly "supportive suggestions for improvement," although I suppose when there's less "you did this really well, but could improve on that" and mostly only "you could improve on that" then it maybe shifts from "supportive feedback" more towards "critical comments." But as you say
I'd say that depends on the tolerance level of the player.
There's a lot of fuzziness in the boundaries between "supportive feedback" and critical feedback."