Something similar to this happened during the time when I attended Juilliard, around 1980. The friendly older Irish lady at the front desk was ready to assume the best intentions, and guards that were there with her were generally quite stoned. The thieves simply showed "official" papers and removed a few Steinway grands.
Oops! Hate when that happens!
pseudonym58 The thieves simply showed "official" papers and removed a few Steinway grands.
OMG are you kidding?!!!! Wow! that's the stuff of movie scripts!
I can do better than that.
Last spring a gang of thieves showed a fake waybill at the Toronto airport. The airport staff loaded a container with $20 million worth of gold onto their truck for them, and they drove away and disappeared.
Literally, all they brought to the airport was a fake waybill and a truck to haul the gold away in.
They found out about the theft a couple of hours later when the Brinks guys arrived to pick up the gold.
If you're a zombie and you know it, bite your friend!
My goodness!!
Somebody's got some 'splaining to do, as Ricky Ricardo used say to Lucy.
If you're interested in this kind of stuff, this is the book that I'm reading, which is fascinating:
"The Talented Mrs Mandelbaum", by Margalit Fox
She was the premier "fence" in New York City during the 1860s and '70s, with criminal associates worldwide.