I agree with the first critical video. He is really annoying, and regardless of whether the money goes into Scientology, I just don't believe the hype. Here is a 1hr 37min video of him:
where as far as I can tell (I couldn't face watching all of it) all he does is promote himself, look smarmy, and self-satisfied with his own playing, but gives you no real clue as to how or what he's going to teach. This video is advertised as a lesson. It may be a warning!
I gather from reading other comments that his system is in some way based on learning chords. Well, I taught myself to play from chords many decades ago, and it took me years of hard work to get to where I wanted to be, and certainly more than 5mins a day or whatever he claims. Not that I'm claiming to be a better Pianist than him, I'm sure he'd wipe the floor with me. But I can read chord charts, straight off the page, and translate them instantly to my fingers and play all inversions of triads, all 7ths minor and major, most 9ths, 11ths, 13ths, diminished, half diminished (-7-5) etc etc in nearly all keys in both hands.
In the video above he is scathing about learning from sheet music, traditional Piano lessons, in fact almost anything that isn't his system (whatever that is). The fact that the traditional system has been around for hundreds of years and produced so many great musicians doesn't seem to worry him a bit. It's certainly not my experience. My last 2 years of classical lessons have improved my playing hugely.
At the end of the above video he starts talking about the huge discount he's giving away $8000 or something. How much does the course actually cost, if he's discounting that much??
My summary would be no no NO NO NOO NOOO.