alex-plays How are you getting on with Vimeo and do you recommend it over YouTube?
Vimeo hassles me less in general than YT, particularly about bogus copyright claims that I am reusing other people's video footage when I am playing pieces where the sheet music is in the public domain. So I go with Vimeo as my first platform, publish to other social media (Facebook, PianoWorld, PianoTell) with a link, and when I can, I post to my YT channel as RockvillePianoGuy.
Regarding cameras - I don't need to do 4K video though the Olympus will do it. There are many Panasonic cameras available used that you could use to shoot 1080p video. If you get one with a built-in lens they are even less expensive.
Oh, and I start/stop the OBS recording with a wireless mouse that I have near the piano keyboard. My computer is about 15' away at the other end of the studio.