Thanks. I have nothing new on the music desk at the present time. I'm not even practicing since I recorded this recital submission.
I'd like to to blame some nefarious outside influences over the past couple of months, but really it's just me not wanting to play and nothing at all to do with any rumored connection with a band of horse thieves and bank robbers. As I keep saying, my Faber books aren't interesting enough. The RCM isn't either. My progress with Always on My Mind is stalled at the end of the first page too. I can play it the entire sheet, but it sounds odd because my interpretation is off. The chord fingering is weird in a couple of measures too and I'm having to work out alternate fingering for those. Which adds to the odd sound.
Maybe I'll do something for Christmas. I think I have an arranged and mega-simplified Jingle Bells around here somewhere. Could be fun. Could be a disaster. I might be forced to swap my piano for a black hat and matching bandanna.