Gooseberry Thanks! It's a bit stilted in places and if I used the pedal it might sound better, but at this stage I haven't mastered the pedal and it felt like too much to remember during the recording process - just hitting the right notes was enough for my small brain! πŸ™‚

"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

Nightowl 17) TC3
Wow, that was great! You sure have soul, man!

Thank you! I sing like a man half my age. Or is it twice my age? ... πŸ˜ƒ

Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

Sophia β€” A Classy Rag – Girl, you are amazing – you fly through those Alfred books in leaps and bounds, to say nothing of the blues course, and you play so smoothly and delightfully as if nothing was easier! Colour me impressed πŸ™‚

rogerch β€” Slow Steps – I love the warmth and tenderness that emanates from your improvisation, and I admire how you can transfer the flow of your ideas into such beautiful music πŸ’—

    thepianoplayer416 β€” When You Wish Upon a Star – I didn’t know this song until a year ago or so when my teacher at the time suggested it for me to learn. That’s how I know that it’s not easy to play it at that tempo, but you’ve done a good job there!

      Sam β€” The Never Finished Piece – Great composition Sam, really neat, I hope to hear more of your own music in the future!

      Sam Harmonically I am stuck in the early 19th century!

      I think I’m aesthetically stuck in the 19th century, so it suits me fine 😁

      Sam β€” The Never Finished Piece
      Listened to this again, I must admit it got better every time listening. It's both very well composed and played. One thing: It doesn't sound unfinished to me, like there is something missing. You could easily change the title and it's done. But if you want to improve it further, I can wait to listen to the "The Finally Finished Piece".

      Rubens β€” Sonata no.2, Op.36 (1913), 2nd movement

      Well Rubens, I took a break for a day to listen again with a fresh ear and mind... and boy am I glad I did! Eight minutes of sheer perfect playing... well done! And such a lovely story to go with it... that made it such a deep piece. Thank you for posting that, I wouldn't have wanted to miss out! Rach is normally not my favourite genre and slightly out of my comfort zone (nothing to do with your playing, everything to do with my lack of taste), but with your description I could listen with an open mind and see what you were talking about. That is why we need these recitals... if nothing else, it helps us open our minds and hearts to new adventures πŸ™‚

      Cratersmash β€” Sonata No. 3 in A Minor

      Welcome to the recitals, Cratersmash. As you said, a difficult piece and you played it with verve. Well done!

      MarieJ β€” Waltz in F minor
      This was just beautiful. Both, how you played it and the selection of the music itself. There might be a wrong note somewhere, but is doesn't matter. The overall impression was nothing than great, because of a very nice and relaxed tempo.
      Also liked the video, it is a very good visual match to the music. Thank you sharing this beautiful piece of music.

      Gooseberry β€” Pigalle

      What a lovely, delicate piece! I loved the gloves πŸ™‚ And also VERY impressive for someone who started 4 or 5 years - in terms of music, that is still a baby πŸ˜ƒ But nothing inexperienced about your playing at all, very mature indeed! I listened to your piece twice and then immediately searched for the score... Throughout I pictured a little music box dancer!

      Rubens β€” Sonata no.2, Op.36 (1913), 2nd movement
      This seems to be a quite challenging piece. Not just because of the length. It is challenging because it contains so many different expressions of the mood, and I think you got them all right. Needless to say that I am deeply impressed, how a piece of this dimension can be played without mistakes. The night is always the darkest before dawn, you expressed this amazingly good at 5:55.

      Thanks for your comments.

      Just like to say 2 weeks ago there was a small gathering. A few people in the group were asked to play a tune. I tried a few pieces and settled on this one. 2 years ago during the COVID lockdown I recorded the piece on the keyboard at home at a rather slow tempo. Came out ok but not satisfied with the results. Recorded the final version (2024) at a faster tempo.

      Recently I heard a version played on radio featuring a strings ensemble. The theme was repeated 3x with vibraphone, piano solo, etc. With just a piano I wouldn't repeat it many times. Next time I'm going to get a friend to do the second repeat with his violin.

      Rob β€” Lost

      Beautiful Rob, so emotional. You are such a talent - both as a composer and pianist. Loved how the mood changed around the 1 minute mark with a striking chord... and then gently moved back to the original theme. Very fascinating indeed!

      • Rob likes this.

      Player1 β€” Ashokan Farewell
      You have a very good feeling for dynamics and this allows you to tell a story. Loved the relaxed way you played it. Nice to see, how a difficult piece loses its scaryness after making some progress of piano playing. If you ask me, this is a good sign and it tells you to continue. Awaiting your next recital piece in 3 months. Or 4. Or however the recital schedule will look like.

        TC3 β€” Worried Life Blues

        Wow very nice! It was so ready for prime time πŸ˜ƒ At least you won't have to worry your life about the recital, haha! I love what you did with the piano too, I'm always so very impressed when people can play and sing at the same time... even if I COULD sing that would still be way beyond me! Now I want the polished version with drums and guitar as an encore ^_^

        • TC3 replied to this.
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          Cratersmash β€” Sonata No. 3 in A Minor
          You already wrote in the update thread, your piece is difficult. I just had no idea how difficult this is. On top of that, it was almost 10 minutes. No sheet music, all memorized. I am very impressed how good you played this. Lots of dynamics and a very good tempo. Thanks for sharing.

          Gooseberry β€” Pigalle
          You started in 2021? Didn't expect this. This waltz is maybe not the most challenging one, but you play it with so much ease, as it was no effort at all. Maybe the piece wasn't easy, but you made it look easy. There was some really nice rubato, very good expression and the most important: it was very musical. Thank you for sharing.

          Sophia Yah, thank you! I can hear lots of places that need polishing but it's getting there. Yes, I will definitely get a recording with the band at some point, and I'll be sure to share it. Thanks for listening!

          Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.