hebele Looks like you were learning a piece for every 4 days or so. Impressive!
3 day 17 hour 2 minutes per piece, to be exact. 😉 I had no timetable when starting this book. When I get a presentable recording, I will begin work on the next piece, while at the same time polish the previous one. I was pleasantly surprised by the pace, which says a lot about how well these pieces are chosen and arranged for my level.
I start my practice with scales and arpeggios. The pieces are worked on towards the end of practice session for about 15 to 20 minutes. I do it once in the morning, once in the evening, and on some days in the afternoon, too. Most of them do take just about 4 days. The most challenging one, Farandole, took almost 2 weeks. A few of them I tried to rush the process, like The Trout for the recital, and O mio babbino caro for dashing cross the finish line. But they still took 2 to 3 days because nights of sleep is needed to work its wonders.