I ended up ordering this one:

I know it's pretty non-imaginative compared to the other options in this thread, but if I don't like it, I'll send it back.
I get very annoyed and exhausted with Amazon shopping now. I get shown a lot of nonsense brands that all look the same. I find it all very confusing, and nothing exactly meets my requirements. They all seem to have some deep flaw, like an annoying beep or alarm that is too loud, battery charge that doesn't last, or a difficult way of setting the time.
I like the idea of twisting to set the count in minute intervals or even set intervals like 1 3 5 10 15 20, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't too loud or had some other deep flaw.
I happen to have a ThermoPro hygrometer and it has served me well for many years, and this timer has a volume adjustment and lets me set the interval in minutes. (TBH, I don't really like the weird brand either and might try to remove it with a black sharpie marker.)
I'll give it a shot, if not I might get the rainbow one or stick to an app on my watch.