Hey everyone. After so much deliberation, I finally decided to get an iPad and pencil so I can start switching to digital scores. I have a lot of sheet music, including some precious books that my last piano teacher, 20+ years ago, made extensive notes in that I very much want to preserve (he had a talent for fingering and breaking down difficult passages). So my big project coming up is to digitize all my paper music. I found some instructions to build a book scanner that I’m going to give a try so that I can get the best quality scans without breaking the binding on some of my more unruly books (looking at you, Beethoven sonatas). The instructions are here for anyone else who may be interested: https://www.instructables.com/Bargain-Price-Book-Scanner-From-A-Cardboard-Box/
My question for anyone who has converted to digital: how do you organize your music library? What naming convention for the files have you found works best for you? Is there anything you wish you had known when you first started converting? Any advice or tips you want to share?
Yamaha C5X